Tips on Planning a Sober Vacation After Addiction Recovery

No one can be fully well without feeling the spark of life on the inside. Believe it or not, that's why vacation is recommended for the person in recovery from substance abuse. Time spent out of the day-to-day routine can help release lingering relational tension, work stress, prevent old cravings, and promote happiness.

That’s because while you are on vacation, you have a chance to unwind and focus on just being you. Mindapples notes that it’s no surprise that there is now proof that those who have more fun in life are healthier individuals. So perhaps it’s time to take a step out of the mundane and into a brand new adventure. Sober vacations can be the thrilling catalyst you need to get you back to being you. Use these tips from Austin Bike Tours and Rentals to plan the perfect recovery getaway.

Pre-Planning by Detoxing

Before heading out, it’s a good idea to have a plan in place to detox and take advantage of programs offered by a rehab center near you. These facilities are designed with specialized treatment programs that lead to long-term recovery. Here, you can learn to manage addictive behaviors so you know what triggers to avoid during your travels. Go online and check out the ideal recovery program for you, and base your decision on the level of accreditation and range of treatment options that are offered.


As with any trip, budgeting is essential. Give yourself a few weeks or even a few months to save for the trip. If you are on a tight budget due to incoming rehab or medical bills, consider taking a weekend trip to a new city somewhere within a short driving distance. As you set the funds aside, try not to be overwhelmed by the overall cost. Consider the money spent on the trip as investment toward a healthier life.

Find The Perfect Destination

For your first vacation after recovery, try traveling somewhere you have never visited, since traveling to an old to-go spot could cause former cravings to resurface. There are plenty of new cities to explore, and it might be easier to avoid temptation if you choose somewhere completely unfamiliar. Also, new locations usually require a lot of research, navigation, and planning, which leaves no time to worry about a relapse. If you need help planning the ideal relaxing and refreshing vacation, contact a travel agency that specializes in planning sober trips.

Bring A Friend

Plan to take a vacation with family or close friends. The Right Step points out that not only would the quality time help to restore a relationship that was damaged during the addiction, but the additional company might help deter an unintentional relapse. If you need some time apart from those relationships yet don’t want to feel lonely on your trip, bring your pet along for the ride. A dog is a prime candidate for hiking, exploring the countryside, or running along the beach. Your pet might actually need the time with you as much as you need the vacation.

Focus On Your Family

If you have planned to take this sober trip with your family, center the trip around the new experiences you can have with your spouse and your kids. Schedule tours, activities, and restaurants that are entertaining and family-friendly. Allow your kids to see the example you set as a responsible parent who is interested in spending time with them. Watching your family grow through the experience is a reward capable of removing any inkling of temptation.

Fun is necessary to your health, so naturally it is vital to addiction recovery, as is checking into a rehab center and working a program that works for you. While you focus on getting your health and your life back, reap the benefits of a relaxing vacation. It’s the perfect way to renew your mind and begin a brand new lifestyle.